Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mom's "Labor" Day Off

Once a year my husband takes the kids to Cedar Point.
I despise amusement parks!

The kids can't wait for this annual outing.

Now that they are a little older, my husband, who apparently doesn't mind long lines, and having his face pulled back on a terrorizing (I mean thrilling) ride that brings up the days greasy fly infested lunch and then abruptly drops his heart into his knickers loves amusment parks. Therefore, he willingly takes the children on his own. Leaving me with a peaceful day all my other words, my day off.

Yipee for all of us.

I also find it remarkably appropriate that my day off always occurs sometime during the Labor Day weekend. I have unofficially declared this holiday my holiday around here! Afterall, it was I that was in "labor" 6 times, thus creating this family! right?

The door just closed and the car is pulling out of the driveway. I am laying back in bed wondering what I shall do today. Last year I did this:

Today, on the other hand I have no plans. I have 100 things roaming through my mind, shopping, cleaning, organizing, getting things ready for back to school, crafting, manicure, going to the pool ALONE, making (and attempting to can) homemade salsa.......hmmm, what shall a girl do?

At the moment I am laying in bed with my laptop ~ blogging (duh!) ... did I mention I like morning naps? So until I decide....I think I will catch a quick nap.
Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on what this girl did (or didn't) do on her day off!

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About Me

I have been very happily married to my "kindergarten sweetheart" for 20 years............well we actually didn't start dating until we were in our 20's...... Together we have 6 wonderful children. They are 17, 16, 15, 14, 10 and 8. Although, we have moved around often, I am hopeful that we are now settled back home in Michigan.