Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hi My Name is Donna and I am

A shop A holic! I shop everywhere!!! I shop in shopping stores of course! Can't keep me away from Target or Home Goods for more than a couple of days. I really love antique stores and flea markets.......My latest craze - shopping online!! I usually do that type of shopping late at night while I am alone in the dark when no one is looking ;).

If I go to the airport, I always leave a little early to check out the gift shops - I love Duty - Free Shopping. On a road trip, I like to shop in those crazy little tourist traps...........I have bought oranges on the highway in Florida, Pecans in Georgia.........I can't resist those Michigan Cherries in Traverse City. Oh .....when I lived in New Jersey I never passed a farm stand selling corn that I didn't stop at! When going on college campus tours with my daughter, I always make time for the School Book Stores, speaking of which our town's public library has a terrific little gift shop in it.

Do you think it is weird to stop at a hospital just to "visit"the gift shop? I sorta do, I have considered doing this, but have really only shopped in those places when on an official hospital visit. I can't resist a good gift shop.

I LOVE LAS VEGAS - oh, all the little hotel gift shops..............have you been in those shops at the PARIS hotel? Whoa, I really loaded up at that place. Speaking of Paris - yes I have shopped there and London, Italy, Spain........Ireland, Belgium, the Czech Republic (well I had to bring home memories).

I think my favorite European shopping experience was at the German Christmas Market in Cologne.......I have never seen so many nutcrackers. Then there is the shopping meca of the universe..........New York City!!! I will admit I get the most excitement when I am making those deals on the street with some guy carrying an old tattered bag full of the latest look a like handbags - it just makes my heart race a little faster is all. I am wondering if anyone else shares in this passionate shopping crazy kind of obsessive habit the way that I do..............please share your comments!

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About Me

I have been very happily married to my "kindergarten sweetheart" for 20 years............well we actually didn't start dating until we were in our 20's...... Together we have 6 wonderful children. They are 17, 16, 15, 14, 10 and 8. Although, we have moved around often, I am hopeful that we are now settled back home in Michigan.